CURRICULUM VITAE NICKY ROBERTSON KENNEL UNION of SOUTHERN AFRICA MEMBERSHIP NUMBER: 68120 BREED JUDGES QUALIFYING SCHEME NUMBER: ZA/ROB/68120 REGISTERED AFFIX: CHIZELHURST: 1989 TELEPHONE 0829239702 / + 27-21- 8519859 e-mail: CAPE TOWN Republic of South Africa Bullmastiffs since 1979 Jack Russell’s since 1989 Borzoi since 2010 Breeder / exhibitor / owner / judge JUDGING HISTORY I joined the KUSA Judges Scheme in 1998 and am now ranked as a Level 6 All Breeds Judge and All Breeds Assessor and may award BIS and BPIS and all challenges I am also a licenced FCI International All-Breeds Judge I am available for appointments to judge these Groups, or parts thereof at Championship level. I am a qualified/ KUSA licensed to judge Child and Junior handling at Championship level. I am a registered Marshal for DMA and APT* as well as a learner Judge in that discipline. I am registered/ licensed to perform the CBA** on Boerboels and have judged the National Speciality for the Boerboel Club of Russia. I am a Specialist Bullmastiff Judge with 40 years of experience and have judged for the Bullmastiff Club of Southern Africa, the Bullmastiff Club of KZN, the Cape Bullmastiff Club and the Bullmastiff Club of Russia. I am KUSA licenced to award the FCI CACIB and CC & to perform the CBA on the Bullmastiff. I have judged around SA in both Championship and Open shows, in the Russian Federation, Namibia and Australia. EARLY HISTORY I grew up amongst dogs – GSD’s, Great Danes and Dachshunds with some mixed breeds and cats completing the household. I bought my first Bullmastiff in 1979 but this bitch was not registered and was just a pet and companion. In 1989 I obtained my first KUSA registered Bullmastiff from the Rianel Kennel and this bitch became the foundation bitch of the Chizelhurst Bullmastiffs. From 1989 to present: I have campaigned and championed multiple Bullmastiffs and have been awarded BISS, RBISS, BOS in SS and BPISS with my top achievers by both Specialist Judges (local and international) and by All Breeds Judges, again both local and international. There have been multiple group placings and a RBIS at an All Breeds Show (Ch) as well as a RBIS show at a Working and Herding show. SOME SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS – DOGS Multiple BISS Ch Chizelhurst Chascah was the third Bullmastiff in Southern Africa to obtain an APT pass. Ch Chizelhurst Chip off the Block is still, to date, the only Bullmastiff in Southern Africa with a DMA and APT pass alongside his HD 0 0 and ED 0 0 ratings (thus emulating what the Bullmastiff should be all about – soundness, temperament and conformational beauty). MBISS Ch Chizelhurst Chenjela was the first Bullmastiff in Southern Africa to pass the CBA (BA) & he was awarded BISS at the first Conformation Show of the Cape Bullmastiff Club under a specialist judge. Ch. Chizelhurst Checkmate of Haaita :- CBA (Ex) CGC (Gold) FCI Gr (Ex) CBC Bullmastiff of the Year 2015/ 2016 /2017 & 2018 & KUSA National Bullmastiff 2017 /18 HD A1 A1 ED 0:2 owned by Ria Steyn Ch.Chizelhurst Chinga KUSA National Bullmastiff 2016 Ch.Sanniesebos Spooner of Chizelhurst: CBA (Ex) FCI (Gr Ex) BISS 2017 & 2019– owned in partnership with Sanniesebos Bullmastiffs Ina Jenkins Ch. Sanniesebos Suri Sukani of Chizelhurst: CBA (Ex), DMA BOS in SS 2017 Ch. Bluken The Blue Chip for Chizelhurst 2020 CBC Puppy of the Year Ch. Bluken The Blue Chip for Chizelhurst CBA(Ex) Ch. Bluken BlueBelle of Chizelhurst JM, CGC(S), CBA (Ex) CBC Puppy of the Year 2021 ARTICLES PUBLISHED / SEMINARS / CLUBS Web site Bullmastiff Breed Profile and Evaluation of the Breed Standard Eye disorders in the Bullmastiff – also published in Dogs in Africa Magazine June 2011 Great SA Bullmastiffs of the last decade of the 20th Century Importance of the Brindle gene in the Bullmastiff The Breed Show Ring and judging the Bullmastiff puppy Other articles as presented Bullmastiff Seminars to the Learner Judges with CD and Profiles compiled Bullmastiff and Boerboel combined Seminar *DMA and APT = Dog Mentality Assessment and Aptitude Assessment ** CBA = Character and Breed Assessment |